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Topics in Evidence-Based Pharmacy Practice is a continually updated collection of features and editorials that review, examine, and comment on the overload of information in the pharmacy field. Features are reviews of clinical trials, studies, and guidelines that examine the validity of approach, methodology, results, and recommendations, and make recommendations that can affect decision making. Editorials allow leading and emerging minds in the field express their opinion on the ever-changing world of pharmacy practice. Read more...
Currently, over 2,000,000 articles are published each year and that number doubles every 6 to 7 years. It is impossible for busy clinicians to keep current with this information overload. The editors and contributing authors of AccessPharmacy’s Topics in Evidence-Based Pharmacy Practice systematically review the contents of the major medical and pharmacy journals. When landmark trials are published, these authors will carefully review the results so the reader will understand whether this new information is relevant to clinical practice. The resulting feature is not a synopsis, but a critical appraisal that includes recommendations that can influence decision making. From time to time, McGraw Hill has asked these same authors to contribute editorials that provide their take on the ever-changing world of pharmacy practice. McGraw Hill has carefully chosen the editors and contributing authors to reflect the numerous clinical specialties in pharmacy. Their years of clinical practice along with their training in evidence-based medicine ensure the high quality of Topics in Evidence-Based Pharmacy Practice. We believe that you will value the insights provided by Topics in Evidence-Based Pharmacy Practice.
About the Editors
William D. Linn, PharmD
Founding Editor
William D. Linn, PharmD, is the Assistant Dean and Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice in the Feik School of Pharmacy at the University of the Incarnate Word. He is also the senior editor of Pharmacotherapy in Primary Care, and has served as a clinical specialist in primary care for over twenty years at the South Texas Veterans Health Care System.
Dawn Havrda, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS
Senior Editor
Dawn E. Havrda, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Assessment at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy.
Nada Al-Qadheeb, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP
Dr. Al-Qadheeb is a clinical specialist in the Medical and Surgical intensive care unit at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSH&RC). She received a BS degree in pharmacy from King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the Doctor of Pharmacy from University of Maryland, Baltimore. Dr. Al-Qadheeb completed a specialty residency in Critical Care from The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. She is board certified in pharmacotherapy and a fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians. She is the recipient of the Dumez Lecture Award for superior professionalism in pharmacy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Dr. Al-Qadheeb has several national and international presentations. Her research interests focus on the areas of critical care and infectious diseases.