To the staffs of our hospitals, emergency departments, intensive care units, and outpatient venues, who have worked with remarkable courage, concern, compassion, and understanding in treating the patients discussed in this text and many thousands more like them
To the staff of the New York City Poison Center, who have quietly and conscientiously integrated their skills with ours to serve these patients and prevent many patients from ever needing a hospital visit
To all the faculty, fellows, residents, and students who have studied toxicology with us, whose inquisitiveness has helped us continually strive to understand complex and evolving problems and develop methods to teach them to others
To my wife Ali; my children Casey and Jesse; my parents; and my friends, family, and colleagues for their never-ending patience and forgiveness for the time I have spent away from them (R.H.)
To my husband Bob; to my children Robert and Christon, and Marcy and Doug; to my mother and to the loving memory of my father; and to family, friends, colleagues, and students for all their help and continuing inspiration (M.A.H.)
To my wife Gail Miller, my sons Dr. Jesse Miller Lewin, Dr. Justin Miller Lewin, and Dr. Alana Amarosa Lewin, and in memory of my parents. To all my patients, students, residents, fellows, and colleagues who constantly stimulate my being a perpetual student (N.L.)
To my wife Laura for her unwavering support; to my children Daniel, Adina, and Benjamin for their fresh perspective, youthful insight, and boundless energy; to my parents Myrna of blessed memory and Dr. Irwin Nelson for the foundation they provided; and to my family, friends, and colleagues who keep me focused on what is important in life (L.N.)
To my children Rebecca and Ryan, Jennifer, Andrew and Joan, Michelle and James; to my grandchildren Benjamin, Adam, Sarah, Kay, Samantha, Herbert, and Jonah who have kept me acutely aware of the ready availability of possible poisons; and to my wife, partner, and best friend Susan whose support was essential and whose contributions will be found throughout the text (L.G.)