“I have painful and frequent urination.”
History of Present Illness
VZ is a 19-year-old Hispanic female who presents to the urgent care walk-in clinic with dysuria and polyuria for 3 days duration.
Mother has HTN; father has HTN, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia
Currently attending college as a sophomore. Smokes tobacco and marijuana cigarettes socially on weekends for the past 2 years; drinks alcohol (beer and wine) socially on weekends for the past year. Sexually active with her boyfriend of 8 months; uses condoms
Ethinyl estradiol/etonogestrel 0.015 mg/0.12 mg unwrap and insert one ring intravaginally and remove every 21 days then repeat 7 days later
Cetirizine 10 mg PO daily PRN seasonal allergies
Triamcinolone acetonide 55 mcg/spray 1–2 sprays EN PRN seasonal allergies
Phenazopyridine hydrochloride 200 mg PO TID after meals
Temp 98.4°F, P 62, RR 10 breaths per minute, BP 112/82 mm Hg, pO2 98%, Ht 5′6″, Wt 52.3 kg
Thin, well-nourished female, lying in bed, NAD, AAO × 3
EOMI, PERRLA, normocephalic, no pharyngeal exudate. Neck, supple. Thyroid palpable, no nodules. No lymphadenopathy
CTAB without wheezing or crackles
Soft, non-distended, non-tender, positive bowel sounds hyperactive, no rebound or guarding
Normal female genitalia, complaints of dysuria, denies hematuria. No malodorous discharge noted from vagina
PERRLA, no focal deficits noted
Edema present in lower extremity bilaterally. Pedal pulses palpable
No tenderness to palpation on lower lumbar region
Dipstick Urinalysis:
Macroscopic: urine midstream, clean catch. Yellow, cloudy, large leukocytes, positive nitrites, urine pH = 8, urine hemoglobin, protein, glucose, ketones, and bilirubin negative, specific gravity = 1.012
Microscopic: WBCs >100, RBCs 0, squamous epithelial cells 0, few WBC clumps