Lauren M. Aleksunes, PharmD, PhD, DABT
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
S. Satheesh Anand, PhD, DABT
Manager, Safety Assessment
Department of Molecular Pharmacology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
Graduate School of Public Health
Leonard C. Harber Professor
Department of Dermatology
Columbia University Medical Center
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Environmental Health Scientist
Toxicity Assessment Division/Neurotoxicology Branch
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
David B. Buckley, PhD, DABT
Matthew J. Campen, PhD, MSPH
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Louis R. Cantilena, Jr., MD, PhD1
Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology
Director, Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Toxicology
Uniformed Services University
Division of Biotechnology and GRAS Notice Review, Office of Food Additive Safety
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Daniel L. Costa, ScD, DABT
Office of Research and Development (Emeritus)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Richard T. Di Giulio, PhD
Sally Kleberg Professor of Environmental Toxicology
Nicholas School of the Environment
David L. Eaton, PhD, DABT, ATS, NASEM
Elaine M. Faustman, PhD, DABT
Institute for Risk Analysis and Risk Communication
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Department of Comparative Biosciences
Paul M.D. Foster, PhD, ATS
Senior Scientist; Chief, Toxicology Branch
Division of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), retired
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina
Donald A. Fox, PhD, ATS, ARVO Fellow
Toxicology and Pharmacology Expert
Bruce A. Goldberger, PhD, F-ABFT
Chief, Director and Professor
Departments of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory Medicine
College of Medicine, University of Florida
B. Bhaskar Gollapudi, PhD
Senior Managing Scientist
Department of Environmental Medicine
New York University School of Medicine
Office of Research and Development
National Health and Environment Effects Research Laboratory
Reproductive Toxicology Branch
Environmental Protection Agency
Distinguished Research Fellow
Immuno and Molecular Toxicology
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Antoinette N. Hayes, MS, DABT
Nonclinical Drug Safety and Bioanalytical
Distinguished University Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina
Michael P. Holsapple, PhD, ATS
Michigan State University
MPH Toxicology Consulting, LLC
The University of Arizona
Hartmut Jaeschke, PhD, ATS
Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutics
University of Kansas Medical Center
Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Director, Institute for Integrative Toxicology
College of Human Medicine
Michigan State University
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
Department of Basic Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, Mississippi
Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism
Janssen Research and Development
Spring House, Pennsylvania
Toxicology and Environmental Research and Consulting
Professor and Director of the Great Lakes Genomics Center
School of Freshwater Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Environmental Health
Kannan Krishnan, PhD, DABT, FATS, FCAHS
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail
Houston Forensic Science Center
Lois D. Lehman-McKeeman, PhD, ATS
Pharmaceutical Candidate Optimization
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
Graduate School of Public Health
Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation
Michigan State University
University of California, Berkeley
Division of Toxicity Assessment
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
A. Marshall Acuff, Jr. Professor of Marine Science
College of William & Mary
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Gloucester Point, Virginia
University of Rochester Medical Center
Vice President of Scientific Consulting
Northeast Ohio Medical University
Environmental Health Sciences
Director, Toxicity Assessment Division
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory
Office of Research and Development
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Robert A. Roth, PhD, DABT
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Institute for Integrative Toxicology
Michigan State University
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Kartik Shankar, PhD, DABT
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Rhode Island
University of California, Berkeley
Courtney E.W. Sulentic, PhD
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Boonshoft School of Medicine
Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
Environmental Health Sciences Research Center
University of Iowa College of Public Health
Alexander C. Ufelle, MBBS, MPH, PhD
Department of Public Health and Social Work
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
Zemin Wang, MD, PhD, DABT
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Health
David B. Warheit, PhD, DABT, ATS
Academic Program Director
Program in Environmental Health Sciences
University of South Carolina Beaufort
John B. Watkins, III, PhD, DABT
Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Indiana University School of Medicine
Technical Information Specialist (retired)
Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program
National Library of Medicine
Diana G. Wilkins, PhD, MT(ASCP)
Professor and Division Chief of Medical Laboratory Sciences