Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, the reader will be able to:
Identify skills health care practitioners need to evaluate medical literature and apply it to patient care.
Describe special characteristics of a controlled clinical trial that distinguish this research design as the prototype for clinical research.
Prepare a null hypothesis (H0) based upon the clinical trial objective(s) and endpoint(s).
Differentiate between the types of data, measures of central tendency, and measures of variability.
Differentiate between Type I and Type II errors; discuss methods to reduce the possibility of either of these errors occurring.
Interpret p values and 95% confidence interval (CI); discuss whether to reject or fail-to-reject the H0 by using these clinical trial results.
Calculate and interpret relative risk (RR), relative risk reduction (RRR), absolute risk reduction (ARR), and number needed to treat (NNT).
State whether statistical significance and clinical difference are present using the clinical trial results.
Explain the purpose and usage of editorials, letters to the editor, and secondary journals in critiquing clinical trials and the application of results into practice.
Identify key features of adaptive clinical trials and noninferiority trials.
Key Concepts
Practitioners need to be able to efficiently locate, critically analyze, and effectively communicate data from the primary literature to patients, other health care professionals, and the public.
A controlled clinical trial is the gold-standard study design to measure and quantify effect differences between an intervention and a control.
The entire published study should be read and thoroughly evaluated; decision-making should not rely solely on reading abstracts.
The results of a controlled clinical trial should be extrapolated to the type of patient enrolled in the study, and readers should be aware of the limitations of surrogate endpoints and subgroup analyses.
Randomization is an essential component of all controlled clinical trials that significantly differentiates them from other study designs.
The controlled clinical trial primary endpoint should be appropriate for the study purpose and measured using valid techniques and methods.
An appropriate sample size in a controlled clinical trial is vital for the study results to have any significant meaning; conducting a power analysis is important to determine a suitable sample size.
Correctly interpreting p values is crucial to evaluating a controlled clinical trial; not all statistically significant p values are clinically important. The magnitude of difference in effect between the intervention and control cannot be determined with the p value.
The use of 95% CI can assist the reader in assessing the magnitude of difference in effect between the intervention and control.
Calculating measures of association (RR, ARR, RRR, NNT) for nominal data provides further information to interpret controlled clinical trial results
Nonstatistically significant results do not equate to the intervention and control being the same or equal.
All controlled clinical trial results need to be assessed to determine the clinical relevance of the intervention versus control.
Controlled clinical trial investigators and ...