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A. Worksheet for Determining Standards-Based Questions That Can Be Applied to Assure That Intellectual Standards of Thinking Are Met as the Pharmacist Provides Care

This worksheet can be used to create important critical-thinking standards-based questions that can be asked to help assure that intellectual standards of thinking are met as pharmacists provide patient care in their specific practice.


  • Please refer to the following tables in Chapter 1 as needed to stimulate ideas for completing the worksheet:

    • Table 1-4: Critical Thinking Intellectual Standards

    • Table 1-6: Examples of Questions Pharmacists Can Ask Themselves to Help Them Meet Intellectual Standards in Each Step of the PPCP

  • In addition, each clinical chapter has examples of standards-based questions specific to the clinical focus of the chapter. These questions are usually in Table 1 in these chapters.

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Sample standards-based questions that can be applied to assure that intellectual standards for thinking are met as the pharmacist provides care for patients with:

Clarity (explicit, unambiguous, intelligible, free from confusion or doubt)

Relevance (pertinent, applicable, germane)

Significance (important, nontrivial, necessary, critical, required, impactful)

Objectivity (fact-based, unbiased)

Fairness (unbiased, equitable, impartial)

Accuracy (verifiable, valid, true, credible, undistorted)

Precision (exact, specific, detailed)

Depth (roots, fundamentals, complexities, interrelationships, cause/effect, implications)

Breadth (comprehensive, encompassing, alternative perspectives)

Logic (reasonable, rational, without contradiction, well-founded, sound)

B.Worksheet for Integrating Clinical Reasoning and Critical Thinking in Patient Cases Using the PPCP

Using the same format used by the authors of clinical chapters, this worksheet can be used to integrate clinical reasoning and critical thinking through the application of your reasoning and the critical thinking standards as you work through cases using the PPCP. Please note that you can be selective as to which standards you believe are most important for you to apply in each PPCP step.

Please refer to the following tables in Chapter 1 as needed to stimulate ideas for completing the worksheet:

  • Table 1-2: Common Inferences and Conclusions for Each Step of the PPCP

  • Table 1-4: Critical Thinking Intellectual Standards

  • Table 1-6: Examples of Questions Pharmacists Can Ask Themselves to Help Them Meet Intellectual Standards in Each Step of the PPCP

Please see the table below for a review of the standards and some examples of their application.

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Critical Thinking Standards: Clear ROAD to Logic


Examples of the Application of the Standard

Clarity (explicit, unambiguous, intelligible, free from confusion or doubt)

  • Unclear words used by the patient or you

  • Something you don’t clearly understand that you might need to research

Relevance (pertinent, applicable, germane)

Significance (important, nontrivial, necessary, critical, required, impactful)

  • The relevant data to collect or questions to ask

  • The critical information to gather

  • The significance of particular data

  • The relevant ...

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