A, B, C: Preexponential constants for three-compartment model equation
a, b, c: Exponents for three-compartment model equation
a, b, g: Exponents for three-compartment model equation (equivalent to a, b, c above)
λ1, λ2, λ3: Exponents for three-compartment-type exponential equation (equivalent to a, b, c above; more terms may be added and indexed numerically with l subscripts for multiexponential models)
Ab: Amount of drug in the body of time t; see alsoDB
Ab∞: Total amount of drug in the body
ABC: ABC transport protein
ANDA: Abbreviated New Drug Application; see alsoNDA
ANOVA: Analysis of variance
API: Active pharmaceutical ingredient
AUC: Area under the plasma level–time curve
: Area under the plasma level–time curve extrapolated to infinite time
: Area under the plasma level–time curve from t = 0 to last measurable plasma drug concentration at time t
AUMC: Area under the (first) moment–time curve
BCS: Biopharmaceutics classification system
BDDCS: Drug disposition classification system
BLA: Biologic license application
BRCP: Breast cancer-resistance protein (an ABC transporter)
C: Concentration (mass/volume)
Ca: Drug concentration in arterial plasma
: Average steady-state plasma drug concentration; see also
Cc or Cp: Concentration of drug in the central compartment or in plasma
CCr: Serum creatinine concentration, usually expressed as mg%
Ceff: Minimum effective drug concentration
CGI: Concentration of drug in gastrointestinal tract
Cm: Metabolite plasma concentration
Cmax: Maximum concentration of drug
: Maximum steady-state drug concentration; see also Cssmax
Cmin: Minimum concentration of drug
: Minimum steady-state drug concentration; see alsoCssmin
Cp: Concentration of drug in plasma
: Concentration of drug in plasma at zero time (t = 0) (equivalent to C0)
: Steady-state plasma drug concentration (equivalent to CSS)
: Last measured plasma drug concentration
CSS: Concentration of drug at steady state
Cssav: Average concentration at steady state
Cssmax: Maximum concentration at steady state
Cssmin: Minimum concentration ...