Top 300 Pharmacy Drugs
- The easiest and most effective way to learn essential information about the Top 300 drugs
- Includes audio Q&A with detailed discussion for each drug at Top300DrugCards.com and 15 BONUS CARDS ON VACCINES!
- Everything you need to know about the Top 300 drugs
Each card includes:
- Generic and common name
- Class
- Dosage Forms
- Approved Dose and Indications
- Off-Label Use
- Contraindications
- Adverse Reactions
- Drug Interactions
- Monitoring Parameters
- Medication Safety Issues and Black Box Warnings
- Strong focus on patient safety
Great for NAPLEX® and course review
Pharmacotherapy Flash Cards
Q&A cards provide a complete review of pharmacotherapeutic concepts for the major disease states most often encountered in practice
- Emphasizes evidence-based therapeutic decision making and drug therapy monitoring
- Each card features a case and therapeutic question
- Key facts are included for the drug or drug class that correctly answers the question
- Case Notes explain the answer and include clinical pearls about use of the drug, management of the disease, and dosing
Top 100 Non Prescription Flash Cards
Great for pharmacy course review and NAPLEX preparation!
A fun, fast way to learn essential information about the most popular over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements commonly sold in U.S. pharmacies.
Top 200 Injectable Flash Cards
This set of flash cards provides key information about the top 200 most frequently ordered injectable medications. It includes the most common cancer chemotherapy agents, parenteral anti-infectives, medications administered intravenously to patients in the critical care environment, as well as the most common parenterally-administered specialty medications. These cards are a useful resource for students preparing for or participating in clerkships, internships and residency rotations in the hospital setting, in clinics (especially in cancer clinics and infusion centers), or in specialty pharmacies. These cards include:
- Key information about injectable dosage forms of common medications administered parenterally.
- Dosing information for FDA-approved and off-label indications, including required dosing adjustments for patients with organ failure.
- Essential information about each drug product, including pharmacogenetic information, warnings, and contraindications.
- Medication safety information, as well as details regarding drug-drug interactions.
- Practical information about injectable formulations and clinical pearls that will help guide the use of these drugs.
Pharmacology Flash Cards, 5e
A fun, fast, high-yield review. With these cards, you'll be able to:
- Focus on must-know information for the boards
- Compare and contrast drugs
- Understand the basic principles of drug classes that are high yield
- Know mechanisms of action, clinical uses, and side effects
- Review basic science as well as the clinical aspects of disease
Pharmacy Calculations Flash Cards
Develop your pharmaceutical and dosing calculations skills
LANGE Pharmacy Calculations Flash Cards are a quick, portable, and effective way to master pharmacy math. Each Flash Card product provides a select set of interactive flashcards with the following features:
- Drill down by resource and/or topic to focus in on areas of weakness
- Track cards you've already seen to prioritize studying
- Save your favorite flashcards for quick review
Medical Terminology Pharmacy Flash Cards
Memorization is critical in pharmacy—understanding the root words, suffix, pronunciation's will aid students in better comprehending content and drug categories.
- 300 Medical Terminology for Pharmacy Flash Cards
- Specific Clinical Examples will set this product apart from any generic Med Term product
- Content is specifically for the Pharmacy and Health Careers market
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